Big Marsh Park East Side Neighborhood Connectivity Plan, South Side Chicago, IL

Transportation Improvements Proposal

The Big Marsh Park East Side Neighborhood Connectivity Plan is an exemplary effort to connect some of the highest quality open spaces and natural areas on the southeast side of Chicago through an improved transportation network. The plan will provide accessibility for thousands of residents and visitors from historically disinvested areas. The plan is a definite “win” for those who live closest to Big Marsh Park as they would benefit the most from improved walking and bicycling connectivity. Key highlights include a proposal to construct a new entrance on the east side of Big Marsh Park. The west side entrance is approximately 2.5 miles from the nearest home, making every round trip a minimum of 5 miles long. This places the existing entrance out of reach for most walking and bicycling trips. The plan commits to inclusivity and equity by addressing the needs of residents on the southeast side.

To improve access to one of Chicago’s most impressive natural areas, Big Marsh and its stakeholders envisioned a collaborative relationship between the industrial neighbors and those who wish to enhance the area’s natural resources. The connectivity plan complements and builds upon planned or programmed improvements in the area. In February 2022, Friends of Big Marsh and Chicago Park District as a core project committee with consultants from Epstein Global, Inc. steered planning efforts to analyze existing transportation networks, gaps, and barriers that limit connectivity and recommend transportation improvements to better connect the communities surrounding the Park.

The facility recommendations were vetted by planners for their technical feasibility and potential environmental impacts. The recommended network was divided into actionable projects that can be pursued independently by the agency having jurisdiction. Planning level cost estimates were prepared. The implementation strategy identified funding sources for agencies to pursue projects. The effectiveness and results of the plan can be tracked by the implementation of projects that provide measurable goals to meet the vision. The plan’s transformative impact is an incredible example of how communities can come together to protect, regain, and enjoy natural resources.

The Plan link on the Friends of Big Marsh website:

All images copyright and courtesy Epstein, Chicago, IL

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